We handle everything from presenting your profile to birth mothers, screening, managing your case, hiring all necessary professionals, and preparing the legal work required for the adoption to be recognized by the courts in each state.
AdoptHelp is a full-service adoption program equipped to assist you with each step of the adoption process
For hopeful adoptive parents
Some of the services AdoptHelp provides include, but are not limited to:
Starting the Adoption Process:
- Helping to educate you about the adoption process and the applicable states’ laws
- Assisting you in defining a suitable birth mother criteria, based on your preferences
- Assisting you in drafting and then finalizing a “Dear Birth Mother” letter or adoption profile that will be sent to potential birth mothers
- Assisting you in obtaining a home study, if you have not already done so
Finding the Perfect Birth Mother for you:
- Contacting you upon being selected by prospective birth parents and reviewing with you the information provided to AdoptHelp by the birth mother
- Communicating between you and the prospective birth parents
- Assisting you in solidifying a “match” between you and a birth mother
- Helping you create and manage your adoption plan
- Professional trust fund management for the distribution of birth mother living expenses in applicable cases
- Assisting birth mothers in obtaining Medicaid to cover medical expenses and assisting her in obtaining prenatal care
- Obtaining counseling for the birth mother and creating/managing a post-placement plan
Legal Services and Finalization:
- Finding potential birth fathers and terminating parental rights of birth parents via consents or waivers
- Specializing in each state’s unique adoption laws and preparing a legal plan that affords our clients with the safest, quickest, and most cost-effective plan for obtaining irrevocable adoption consents
- Retaining all necessary third-party adoption professionals by utilizing our network of social workers, attorneys, notaries, agencies and other adoption professionals nationwide
- Obtaining regulatory clearances from the applicable states so that the adopted child can cross state lines by preparing and submitting Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) documents to interstate regulators
- Assessing applicability of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and obtain tribal clearances from all federally recognized Native American Tribes and submitting birth parent consents to the courts
- Obtaining a new birth certificate listing the adoptive parent(s) names as the parent and the child’s name after adoption
- Submitting to courts to create legal guardianship and/or power of attorney as an extra protection in certain cases where it may be warranted
- Complying with all legal and regulatory requirements to ensure a successful superior court adoption finalization, so that each state will recognize the adoptive parents as the legal guardians with all the rights and responsibilities of a natural parent-child relationship
AdoptHelp Reviews
“ We so appreciate the integrity and professionalism of AdoptHelp’s services! Our case worker was especially professional, enthusiastic and patient with us. When we are ready for a second child … ”
- Adoptive Parents
“ Words truly cannot express the gratitude that I have for you and all the work, support, guidance and patience you had with me and/or gave to me during my journey to motherhood. I will be forever … ”
- Adoptive Parents
“ We had so many failed adoptions that we almost quit. That is, until we met the staff of AdoptHelp. They were wonderful to work with and supportive of our being gender specific. The adoption of ou… ”
- Adoptive Parents
“ The wonderful work of the AdoptHelp staff has made me very happy, as well as so many others. You have touched many lives and enriched many souls. Thank you again for the most precious gift –… ”
- Adoptive Parents
“ They were always available for consultation and, when problems arose, they helped guide us through them. They proved well-informed, pro-active, and knowledgeable in all aspects of adoption law an… ”