Looking back, adoptive parents Bob and Dana realize that the match that mutually dissolved two weeks before being matched with Trent’s birth mother was a huge blessing in disguise. Initially, Bob and Dana did not know how much contact they wanted with a birth mother, nor did Trent’s birth mother really want a lot of contact with the adoptive parents. That all changed when Bob and Dana traveled to her hometown on two occasions to meet her and her family. They exchanged emails and talked weekly up until Bob and Dana drove back for Trent’s birth. Baby Trent was five days late, but it was another blessing, as it gave Bob and Dana more time to spend with Trent’s birth mother and her family. When Trent finally arrived, Dana assisted throughout the 36-hour labor and even cut the umbilical cord. Bob got to see Trent cleaned up and weighed for the first time. Trent’s birth mother invited Bob and Dana to “camp out” in her hospital room to care for and bond with Trent. It was an emotional farewell the last day, as gifts were exchanged and tears shed. Getting to know Trent’s birth mother and being able to be with her to welcome Trent into the world has exceeded Bob and Dana’s wildest expectations as to what domestic adoption would be like. What a wonderful story to tell their son!