It was a Saturday afternoon. My cell phone rang and our coordinator said “surprise, we have a baby for you!” The baby was born that morning in another part of the state. The birth mother did not want to be involved and we needed to get on the road NOW! Because you need a good story to tell…my husband was not home. He was 3 hours away hiking in an area where there was no cell phone reception. So it was all on me! A friend came to my house within 5 minutes to take my older son. And within 30 minutes, I was on the road to make a 7 ½ hour drive by myself to meet our baby! I did not know the sex of the baby. We had absolutely nothing prepared to take care of a baby…clothes, diapers, car seat, or crib. To say that my head was spinning is an understatement!
My husband ended up making a plane reservation to fly up to join me first thing the next morning. I kept driving and made it to the hospital around 11:30pm. The nurse took me to the nursery and led me to a bassinet where I met our precious, beautiful baby BOY! My husband met him the next morning. We were discharged from the hospital that afternoon and we drove another 7 ½ hours bringing our little guy home to meet his brother. It was a whirlwind of a weekend!
We had almost given up hope and now here we are with a baby that is the perfect fit for our family. It is truly amazing. We have 2 beautiful boys. Our family is complete. Dreams really do come true.