If health problems with the baby arise, or a Birth Mother selects a client with whom to place her child for adoption but later changes her mind and decides not to place the child with our client, AdoptHelp, Inc. commits that it will continue to work towards rematching our client at no additional cost. The Center will continue its marketing efforts on behalf of the client until a child ultimately is placed into the client’s home.
AdoptHelp was created to be the highest achievement in adoptions.
We are proud to offer our clients the following commitment:
AdoptHelp, Inc. Commitment

Attorney Commitment
For those clients who retain AdoptHelp Law Center to represent them in assisting with an adoption plan and who are not in arrears, AdoptHelp Law Center agrees that all outstanding attorneys’ fees for work performed on a case where a birth mother changes her mind about placing her child for adoption will be written off.
Dedicated professionals who put their clients first is just another advantage of being part of the AdoptHelp family. Our office and support network is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us in confidence… assistance with your adoption is just a phone call or email away.