In our decision to adopt, we researched several adoption agencies and decided upon AdoptHelp and together with our caseworker we started the journey that would change our lives. After completing our birth mother letter, our caseworker called and said that she had some great news; we were chosen by a birth mother and she was due in two weeks! We talked with the birth mother that night and everything fell into place. We originally planned on flying to Kansas the day before the scheduled birth in order to be there when our daughter was welcomed into this world but it seemed that she was on her own schedule and the birth mother went into labor almost a week early. After receiving the call from the birth mother at the hospital, we frantically rearranged our flight from Washington DC to Kansas hoping to arrive before our daughter was born. Although we missed the birth by a few hours we were holding our daughter that day and with the help of AdoptHelp we were able to bring her 9 days later. There were no words to describe the overwhelming feeling of love and completeness and we thank AdoptHelp for making our dreams come true and forever grateful to the birthmother for giving us our most precious gift, Addison.