We made our final decision to pursue adoption while vacationing on the beach in St. Lucia, it was September. We spent the rest of that year attending adoption seminars, meeting with national and local private agencies as well as researching adoption through the Department of Health and Family Services. After meeting Mark in December we knew this was the law firm for us, he was very down to earth, friendly and honest. The values of AdoptHelp were very much in line with our own and we really liked the fact that they work with people from all walks of life. We officially joined the AdoptHelp program in January. Almost one day to the year, our cell phone rang giving us the news that a birth mother chose us. We immediately went in to action: travel plans, baby supplies, house sitter for our dogs, etc. We were on the first flight to the east coast after receiving the call from the birth mother that she was in labor. The next day, our beautiful angel was born (Best day of our lives). We arrived at the hospital 30 minutes after the birth mother checked in and she has been in our arms/lives ever since. My husband even got to cut the umbilical cord. The whole experience was a dream come true and AdoptHelp was there to assist every step of the way.