When the phone rang I had a sense something special had just happened. My wife’s voice was bursting with emotion. It was the call we had been visualizing and playing in our minds ever since we were matched. The birth mom was in labor and it was “go time.” Our adoption adventure had begun. I left work and went home to pack. My wife’s colleague got our flight organized and within three hours we were in the air on our way to Illinois. We arrived in Chicago, rented a car, programmed the GPS and took the shortest route to the hospital. I called the birth father a few times to get updates about everyone’s status. Of course, we had hoped to be at the hospital for the birth, but we weren’t sure what the fates had in store for us. The birth father was telling us that everything looked good. We arrived at the labor and delivery wing by 11:45 pm. The birth father greeted us in the waiting room. We were fortunate to have flown to Illinois a week before and had an opportunity to have met the birth parents. They were thoughtful, kind and gracious. We had a chance to talk to the birth mom in the delivery room just before the delivery. We were awed by her strength and calm demeanor. The birth father left the room with us and walked us back to the waiting room. “I’d like to congratulate you.” He said. We told him we will cherish the child for a lifetime. About twenty minutes later, we were summoned by the nurses to go to another delivery room. Standing in the corner was a nurse holding a little boy. She looked up and said, “Come meet your son.” We walked over to him and told him how much we love him. It’s been six weeks since his birth and we can’t stop staring at our boy and feeling blessed to have him in our lives.