We knew we wanted to adopt, but there were so many options to choose from. We spent a year researching international vs. domestic, agency vs. attorney adoption, and we learned a lot! Early on, however, AdoptHelp became our first choice. We wanted to bring a baby home from the hospital, and we wanted it to be the right match. And that is exactly what we got!
We really liked the AdoptHelp matching process because they let our family profile speak to the birth mothers directly. Olga helped us design a terrific profile, and we were in a match within five months. Our birth mother was a college student in northern California who was due in ten days. We were nervous about changing our lives on such short notice but, after a long phone call with both birth parents, we knew it was a perfect fit.
Nine days later, we were planning to meet the birth parents in a hospital here in L.A. That morning, however, Mark called to say there was a change of plans: our birth mother was going into labor in her dorm room! We threw our brand-new infant seat in the car and drove five hours north, getting to the hospital two hours after Milo was born. We walked into the delivery room and the birth mother said it was time for Milo’s parents to hold him. We will never forget that moment—or any minute of that wonderful day!
Milo is three months old now, and we are amazed by how much he has grown in such a short amount of time. He is a healthy, happy baby, and parenthood is even better than we thought it would be. We take lots of photos of Milo every day, just like we promised the birth mother in our family profile. We can’t wait to show that profile to Milo in a couple years—along with a photo album of the day he was born!