We were chosen by our baby’s birthmother six weeks before she gave birth to our son Sammy. Our bags were packed and we were prepared to fly across the country to meet the birthmother in the afternoon when we got the call at 5:45 a.m. that she was in labor and had been admitted to the hospital. We rushed off to the airport to catch the next flight and get our older son off to his grandparents. An hour and a half after arriving at the hospital, baby Sammy was born and we witnessed his arrival, cut his umbilical cord, and gave him his first kiss. Our AdoptHelp caseworker helped us deal with hospital red tape so that we could start spending every moment with our baby boy. We continued talking with the birthmother and her family during this time, getting to know them and working out how we would keep in touch. While tears were shed by all, we were grateful for the opportunity to meet this loving family and for the amazing gift the birthmother gave us. We now feel so blessed to have baby Sammy in our lives. His smile lights up the faces of everyone he meets and he gives us more joy than words can express.