We first met in the tumultuous year of 2020. As Singapore went into a complete lockdown, we swiped right on each other on Tinder. Unable to meet in person for several months, we grew their relationship via texting, video calls, and holding classes for one another (Andrew taught Billy to make lemon bars, and Billy taught Andrew yoga). On the day after the lockdown was lifted, Billy invited Andrew to his place for his famous bolognese spaghetti. The Italian part of Andrew rejoiced, and a beautiful relationship was born. After several years, we decided to take our relationship to the next level and were married in April 2024. We got married in Auckland, New Zealand, surrounded by friends from Singapore. Since becoming married, our relationship has been strengthened and enhanced and our commitment to each other is stronger than ever. We know that a child brought into our home will be well-care for, loved, supported, and given many opportunities to grow and develop into a wonderful person.
Hailing from the USA and Malaysia, we are a fun-loving, adventurous, and passionate couple. We love playing with our cats (we have 3!), biking around Denver, traveling the world, and watching “The Great British Bake Off” on a Saturday night. At home, we host dinner parties and game nights, cultural celebrations (Lunar New Year, Thanksgiving, etc.), and cook & bake frequently. We both believe in the importance of equity and justice for everyone and work towards those ends in our communities and workplaces. As a couple, we’ve been described as great complements for one another - Andrew is more structured, planned, focused, and emotional, while Billy is more spontaneous, resourceful, calm, and meditative. Together, we balance each other’s energies well and constantly grow and evolve through our interactions with one another.