Hello! We’re Jess and Matt from Southern California! We love where we live, our careers as teachers, and our time with our family and friends. We can’t wait to become parents! Adoption has always been a path that we have had an open heart to. Both of us have experienced love and support from people in our lives who were not biologically related to us. These chosen family members have helped shape us to who we are today and have reinforced the concept that it takes a village to raise a child. So when we were told that we would not be able to conceive a child, the process of adoption felt like a natural next step in creating our family. We understand first hand that family is made with love and commitment and we feel that we have so much to give. We hope to have an adoption relationship that is open, honest and in the best interest for you and your baby. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us and our family.