Dear Birthmother
We thank you for taking the time to learn about us. We have a wonderful life in Houston, Texas. We hope you will see that we are a loving, fun and responsible couple.
You show your tremendous courage by choosing to trust another with your child. It takes immense love to place your child’s welfare and future before your own. Know that we will provide a loving home and life for your child. Thank you for the greatest gift we can possibly imagine.
Our Story
We met late in life about five years ago through match.com. It is definitely worth the wait! We moved in together after a year of dating and got married year and a half later surrounded by mountains. We love hiking in the mountains and having fun on the beach. We have been and plan on taking annual trips to the mountains or beach alone or with family and friends. Our life together has been filled with fun and love! We enjoy spending lots of time together whether it be watching a movie, bike riding or going out with friends. We love going to the free outdoor theater, which puts on a variety of shows from ballets, plays to concerts. We love having a picnic on the grass while our friends’ kids run around. We have lots of fun playing board games and video games together. Liz is not good at video games so Mike often has to help her through the difficult parts, which is how Mike is in real life. We enjoy playing board games as a team against our friends. We can’t wait until we have a child to join our game nights. Our only disappointment has been not being able to have a child. Now we are anticipating with joy, the fulfillment of a dream – having a family. We want to share our love and joy of life with our child and watch his/her face light up with happiness.
Meet Liz
Liz is a loving, funny, outgoing and adventurous person. Her nieces, nephew and friends’ children often ask for her because they always have fun with her. Whether it is hide and seek, telling stories, drawing pictures or running from the tickle-monster, the giggling echoes throughout the house. Liz is definitely a child at heart but she is also there to wipe away the tears or give sound advice. Liz is also an animal lover. She chases our cat around the house to give him exercise and spoils him way too much. At museums, she conjures up funny stories about displays and takes very creative pictures, usually I am the unwilling subject. She loves to read fiction, participates in a monthly book club, and one of her goals is to write and publish a book someday. Liz is a fantastic cook and creates fabulous meals. She loves to create new dishes, and can make any vegetable delicious. I gladly clean the huge messes Liz makes of the kitchen on a happy stomach. Also, Liz has traveled throughout the U.S. and to numerous countries. She has spent many weeks in Europe and South America. As a true people person, she can easily talk to anyone. To her, the diversity of peoples, cultures, and environments are stimulating and eye-opening. She says this makes the world a beautiful and amazing place.
My career as a teacher allows me the flexibility to travel often in the summers. I have flexible hours during the week so I can spend ample time caring for our child. I love being a teacher, and feel lucky to help students understand a historical event while making it relate to current events. It is wonderful to see the light in their eyes as they take pride in their achievements. My students love my sense of humor and appreciate my ability to make history come alive in the classroom. I will try my best to be a loving and good mom who will help our child see the wonders of life.
Meet Mike
Mike is a creative, loving, and calm person. He is a talented self-taught musician. He plays many instruments and writes original songs. He wrote me a hilarious song about our cat, and a rock song about my dancing. He can’t wait to write our child a lullaby. He and his band play at local bars about once a month. He is often singing around the house or practicing his music. He has recently started giving guitar lessons. His students think he is wonderfully patient, explains things very clearly and teaches fun songs. Also, he is very supportive and affectionate, always hugging me and holding my hands. Mike always says positive things or tells goofy jokes when I have a down moment. He credits meditation in helping him stay relaxed and grounded. He truly believes that we are all interconnected, that prayer and letting go can bring peace to the world. We both believe that the world is one big neighborhood and we all need to help each other and everyone around us. Our child would grow up in a loving and supportive network.
As a cancer researcher, he tries his best to help society. He wants to do his part in eliminating cancer. My father passed away a decade ago from cancer. Watching him suffer and go through the radiation treatments was the worst period of my life. No one should have to go through that pain or watch their loved ones suffer. I am very proud that my husband is helping to find the cure for this disease. This is a goal that takes a lot of patience and hard work. No child can ask for a better father!
The People We Love
Liz’s family. I come from a wonderful family of Chinese immigrants. We immigrated when I was seven years old to Wisconsin. We all worked hard in the family restaurant, and I enjoyed spending time with my parents and siblings. Although we would laugh and joke around, my parents would discussed their wishes for us to be successful at whatever our goals were. I grew up surrounded by my grandparents, six uncles and all their families. I frequently babysat many of my much younger cousins as well as my sister. My sister is such a kind and loving person. Both of my older brothers are doctors and the whole family depends on them for medical advice. They both have wonderful spouses and precocious children. I love spending time and playing with my beautiful nieces and nephew. They are so funny, active and smart. Unfortunately we are all spread out around the country now, but we manage to get together annually. We often phone, text, email or Skype each other. I know I can always rely on them. They are so happy that we are adopting a child! Mike’s family. I have a close and loving family. Family is very important to us. Although we lived far away from our extended families, our summer or winter trips to visit them every year were something the entire family looked forward to a great deal. My sister and I still retell all the countless stories from those summers running around with all our cousins chasing lightening bugs and getting into mischief. My mother is incredibly kind and generous and is always the first person to give a helping hand to anyone. The unconditional love and support my parents gave us has largely shaped the person I am today and I am forever grateful for this. My father is always happy, singing or telling jokes. Although my sister and her husband have no kids of their own, they spend a great deal of time and effort spoiling their nieces, nephews and friends’ children. Like me, my sister inherited some wonderful qualities from our family.
We have awesome, fun and supportive friends. Six of our best friends, who we often get together with, have little kids of their own. Their adorable kids would make wonderful playmates for our child. Mike has known most of his friends for at least twenty years. They have shared many life-changing moments, both wonderful and challenging. Liz has many supportive girlfriends who she gets together with for walks around the park, lunches or happy hours. All our friends are incredibly supportive and can’t wait to welcome our child.
Our promise to our child. We promise to…
- Treat them with love and respect
- Teach them to be proud of who they are
- Share lots of laughter and adventures together
- Help them see and explore the wonders of life
- Teach them to be a responsible and good person
- Encourage a love of learning
- Provide them with an outstanding education
- Build a strong sense of family and community
- Always be there for them
With Thanks & Gratitude!
We are honored by your trust in us. We welcome you and your child with open arms. We will provide our child with a loving and safe home. We can’t wait to share our love and adventures in life with a child. We will be forever grateful to you if you choose us as the adoptive parents.
If you would like to learn more about us or have questions, please contact us…