If you’re pregnant and considering adoption, you may wonder: Can birth mothers get financial support while placing a baby for adoption? Can living expenses like rent, food, and medical bills be covered during pregnancy? The answer depends on state laws, but in most cases, financial assistance is available for necessary living costs. Can Pregnant Women …Read More about Can Pregnant Women Get Financial Help When They…
Adoption Education
The 2025 Federal Adoption Tax Credit
There is great news for prospective adoptive parents! For 2025, the federal adoption tax credit is $17,280. The amazing thing about this tax credit is that it is not a deduction that reduces your income for purposes of determining your tax liability. Rather, it is a tax refund that is based on a dollar-for-dollar reduction …Read More about The 2025 Federal Adoption Tax Credit
8 Things About the Adoption Tax Credit You…
For any parents who are looking to adopt, the adoption tax credit is an important and sometimes necessary part of the adoption process. The adoption tax credit helps adoptive families across the country by greatly limiting the financial burdens of adoption. However, there are some aspects of the adoption tax credit that are tricky to …Read More about 8 Things About the Adoption Tax Credit You…
The Adoption Checklist You Should Follow
Adoption is a wonderful way to grow a family and our checklist will help you prepare yourself, your home, and those around you for this amazing journey and process. Research the Adoption Process Learn as much as you can about the adoption process. Talk to friends and family who have adopted children and listen to …Read More about The Adoption Checklist You Should Follow
A Guide to the Interstate Compact for the…
Adoption is a blessing that many hopeful adoptive parents anxiously wait for. At a moment’s notice, adoptive parents may have to quickly pack their bags and rush to another state to bring home their new baby. Adopting a child from another state is fairly common today. The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) …Read More about A Guide to the Interstate Compact for the…
The Benefits of Open Adoption
The degree of openness in your adoption depends on what both the adoptive parents and birth parents are comfortable with. When adoptees grow older, they will also have a say in how open they want their relationship with their birth parents to be. Contact through open adoption can involve calls, letters, emails, or even visits. …Read More about The Benefits of Open Adoption
Will You Regret Placing Your Child for Adoption?
The decision to place a child for adoption is one of the most difficult choices any birth mother has to make. While you may be torn between your options, the decision should always revolve around what’s best for your child. A common question that would reach a birth mother’s mind is: “Will I regret this?” …Read More about Will You Regret Placing Your Child for Adoption?
National Adoption Month: Ways to Support Birth Mothers,…
November is National Adoption Month! It’s a great time to spread awareness about adoption and how it can help create families. However, it’s also a great time to offer love and support to those who are familiar with the adoption process. There are many ways to support birth mothers, adoptive families, and adoptees this National …Read More about National Adoption Month: Ways to Support Birth Mothers,…
How a Heart-Warming Adoption Story Pioneered NVIDIA’s Adoption…
The Vice President of employee experience at NVIDIA, Beau Davidson, and his wife were going through a difficult time. They tried adding to their family for some time and had no success. After considering their options the couple decided to explore newborn adoption with AdoptHelp, because of our expertise in building families. Five months into …Read More about How a Heart-Warming Adoption Story Pioneered NVIDIA’s Adoption…
Domestic Infant Adoptions in the US in 2018:…
One of the reasons the adoption process may seem complex is because there are various types of adoption. If you are interested in domestic infant adoption, as opposed to international adoption or public adoption (also called foster-to-adopt), you may find the following information helpful. The following information applies specifically to private infant adoption. How Many …Read More about Domestic Infant Adoptions in the US in 2018:…
4 Ways to Find the Money For Private…
About the Author – Jolene Latimer is a writer for Student Loan Hero. She has her Master’s in Specialized Journalism from the University of Southern California. Adding to your family through adoption can be rewarding, but it also can be financially stressful. Privately adopting a newborn in the U.S. can cost more than $30,000, while …Read More about 4 Ways to Find the Money For Private…
Indiana Fire Station Finds a 2nd Newborn Baby…
According to the Chicago Tribune, a second newborn in five months was found in an Indiana fire station’s baby box. Under Indiana’s Safe Haven Law, newborns can be left at hospitals, fire stations, or police stations without the birth parent being prosecuted. Indiana Department of Child Services takes the baby into custody through Child Protective …Read More about Indiana Fire Station Finds a 2nd Newborn Baby…