In today’s world where people often debate about nature versus nurture and which has more impact in childhood development, it is normal to question how being adopted can impact a child and psychological health. It is no wonder why birth mothers and adoptive parents seem to worry about the effects adoption may have on a …Read More about How Adoption Benefits Children
Adoption Education
Helpful Answers to 2 Common Birth Mother Questions
Navigating the adoption process will likely raise many questions for birth mothers. While working closely with birth mothers on their personalized adoption plans, we answer many questions throughout the process. We have found that birth mothers commonly have some questions about what happens after the placement of the baby. Here are a couple of the …Read More about Helpful Answers to 2 Common Birth Mother Questions
Essential Questions to Ask When Hiring an Adoption…
The exciting journey of adoption starts with choosing the center or agency from which you will adopt. This decision will ultimately affect all aspects of your adoption process, and thus should not be taken lightly. Here are some serious questions to ask, and some points to consider before committing to any adoption professional: What are …Read More about Essential Questions to Ask When Hiring an Adoption…
Open Adoption: The Birth Parent-Adoptive Parent Relationship
When considering an open adoption, the birth parent-adoptive parent relationship is very important. Open adoptions allow for many degrees of openness and the birth parent-adoptive parent relationship varies greatly from one arrangement to the next. The bottom line is—it is up to you and your family to determine the level of openness with which you …Read More about Open Adoption: The Birth Parent-Adoptive Parent Relationship
Tips for Funding your Need to Adopt
Infant adoption through a domestic adoption program can cost anywhere between $20,000 and $45,000 Because adoption is a legal process at its core, the costs associated adoption stem from the services required to legally establish parental rights and take the child home. There are many factors that account for this wide range in cost (ex: …Read More about Tips for Funding your Need to Adopt
Choosing a Birth Mother Support Group
When describing birth mothers placing their newborns for adoption, adjectives like strong, loving, and selfless typically come to mind. But birth mothers often face a tough emotional journey and may need support along the way. If you are pregnant and considering adoption, it is important to know that you are not alone! First and foremost, …Read More about Choosing a Birth Mother Support Group
The Benefits to Adopting Later in Life
There are several joyous events that one can look forward to later in life: retirement, travelling, and for some, adoption! In today’s modern infant adoptions, increasingly diverse demographics are seeking to adopt, and couples over 40 are amongst the leaders of the pack. According to a 2007 national survey of adoptive parents, 73% of all …Read More about The Benefits to Adopting Later in Life
Understanding The Home Study
You are considering adopting and have heard about needing to complete something called a “home study.” Some prospective adoptive parents get nervous just hearing those words, thinking it involves answering extremely personal questions and an invasion of privacy. But what exactly is a home study, and what does it entail? Agencies are not looking for …Read More about Understanding The Home Study
Adoption Through the Eyes of the Adoptive Father
Image Credit: Fathers play an important role in adoption. In honor of Father’s Day this month, we are taking a look through the eyes of adoptive fathers to understand their thoughts on adoption! To some fathers, the word “adoption” can be scary. To others, it may be exciting. For most fathers, the word adoption …Read More about Adoption Through the Eyes of the Adoptive Father
Creating Traditions with your New Addition
Traditions are a way for families to connect and memorialize important life events. To adoptive families, creating traditions is more than a way to bond, but it can also be a great way to commemorate each family member’s roots. By incorporating activities that celebrate birth culture, adopted children can develop a strong sense of identity. …Read More about Creating Traditions with your New Addition
Innovative Ideas to Announce Your Adoption
Adopting a little one is exciting news! But deciding how and when to announce your adoption to family and friends can sometimes be difficult to navigate… Is sharing our decision to adopt announcing too early? When should we have a baby shower? Should we announce while the process is happening or after finalization? Adoptive parents …Read More about Innovative Ideas to Announce Your Adoption
Myths about Domestic Adoptions
Are you considering adoption? Some of what you hear about adoption may not be true. There are many myths about domestic adoption that are widely believed. Read the most common myths about adoption and what you should really expect! MYTH: Expect to wait a long time, because adoption takes forever. Wait times for hopeful adoptive …Read More about Myths about Domestic Adoptions