Our Center receives numerous inquiries daily from prospective adoptive parent(s) who desire information about the adoption process, as well as information about our services. As some inquiries are from prospective adoptive parent(s) who are “considering” adoption, and others are from prospective adoptive parent(s) who are “actively pursuing” an adoption plan, we have designed this website to provide as much information as possible for both types of prospective adoptive parent(s). Additionally, AdoptHelp does maintain an “in-house” list of clients nationwide who have previously adopted through the Center, and who have generously offered to speak with potential adopting parents who are considering utilizing our services in their adoption pursuit. Upon reviewing our materials and retainer Agreement, we would be happy to assist you further by providing references.
In the last twenty years there has been a steady, sizable increase in the number of single parent adoptions – some people feel that it is the fastest growing trend in the adoption field. The outlook for single parent adoption is encouraging as it becomes more widely accepted. Concerns over single parent adoptions should be laid to rest by the many benefits single parents have to offer children in need of a home. The number one reason single parents want to adopt is the fact that their own childhood was fulfilling and happy and they are ready to share that experience. Single parents approach adoption with the same commitment and devotion as a married couple. There is no reason to discriminate against a single person for adopting a child when she/he is quite capable of providing a stable and nurturing environment. A single parent can provide a loving and nurturing home for a child. Adoptive single parents use family and friends for extended support. They give their child their full attention and all of their love. Financially, they have planned for the future and the majority of single adoptive parents are settled in their careers.
The latest research indicates that children raised in single adoptive parent families compare favorably with other adopted children and show a healthy involvement with friends and family as well as in the activities of their age group. For more information, please contact the Committee For Single Adoptive Parents, P.O. Box 15084, Chevy Chase, MD 20825. The Committee serves as a clearinghouse for singles seeking information. The modest membership fee entitles one to a listing of agencies and other contacts, with updates, as well as recommended readings and information about recent adoptions.
Our office and support network is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us in confidence… assistance with your adoption is just a phone call 800-637-7999 or email away.