We, Megan and I, wanted to express how happy we are with the entire staff at AdoptHelp. After struggling with infertility for so long, we began to lose hope that we would ever have a family. We had talked about adoption, but struggled with the thought of giving up on a biological child. After numerous failed IVF’s, disappointment and heartbreak, we took a serious look at adoption. We went to seminars and spent hours on the Internet researching. We chose to sign up with a large agency. Although we adopted a handsome and healthy baby boy we encountered many issues, and… Continue Reading
Adoptive Parents
Brittany & Jon
My husband Jon and I were waiting for the “perfect time” to start a family. After being together nearly 8 years and married more than 3, the time seemed right. You can imagine our shock and disappointment when we learned we would not be able to conceive naturally. But instead of being disappointed and sad, we simply leaned on our faith… believing God had a plan to place the perfect child in our arms. Coincidentally, close friends were matched and awaiting the birth of their son thanks to AdoptHelp, and we took their recommendation and gave them a call. That… Continue Reading