Hi. My name is Stacey. I recently had a baby girl Addison Grace, named by her parents. When I first found out I was pregnant I didn’t know what I was going to do. I was living in a homeless shelter and was just about to start my college courses. I had no money saved and was and still am, very unstable.
I couldn’t imagine having a baby and having to worry about if she was being taken care of while I was at school or whether she would have to miss meals because I didn’t have any money. Will she have clean clothes or diapers? Will she be warm at night? I would rather know without a doubt that all these questions are not a factor for her adopted family. AdoptHelp makes sure their families are all that a family should be.
I will always be grateful to the adoptive parents for providing a better life for my baby. I believe you are a strong and wonderful woman for letting your unborn child have a better life than you can give, with a family that’s been saving and waiting to have a baby that they can spoil and give the world to. You know what’s best for you. Adoption was the biggest blessing I’ve had in my whole lifetime. You won’t regret giving your baby to a family that’s been waiting. Stay strong and beautiful. AdoptHelp is there to help and they have the greatest people to talk to. God Bless.